Newton By The Numbers
Nascar track
Displays of public art & sculpture
Contact Newton High School
800 E 4th St S
Newton, IA 50208
The school counseling department exists to help students adjust
to new school experiences and to help students make the best of
educational opportunities. Any problems, whether school
problems or personal problems, may be discussed with the
school counselors.
As a student progresses through senior high school, a school
counselor will help each individual to choose the subjects which fit
his/her individual needs. During these years, plans for the future
start taking shape. To help with the many decisions a student
must make, the counseling department is well supplied with
information about colleges and trade schools and about jobs in
hundreds of different fields. Each student is encouraged to
become acquainted with the counselors early and to use the
guidance services often. Appointments may be made by
contacting the counseling office. Students are assigned
counselors by the first letter of their last name:
A-G Shelly Fitzgerald
H-N Jessica Lavely
O-Z Cassia Nolin
Success Phil Calvin
Shelly Fitzgerald
- School Counselor
School Counselor
Newton High SchoolWEST Academy
Cassia Nolin
- School Counselor
School Counselor
Newton High School
Donna Plumb
- School Counselor Secretary
Newton High School
Jessica Lavely
- School Counselor
School Counselor
Newton High School
Nascar track
Displays of public art & sculpture
Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”