Newton By The Numbers
Drive-in theater
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Square miles of city
Written by: Newton School District | September 16, 2022
September 16th, 2022
We are approaching the end of the first month of our school year already and we are in the middle of one of the most exciting times in a community -Homecoming!Homecoming in Newton has really redefined this school tradition to me. The level of support and excitement in our entire community is amazing.
I have always felt the level of support our school district receives from the community of Newton is something special.Throughout the year we receive donations of school supplies, volunteers help enhance the opportunities for our students, our community recognizes and welcomes our new teachers, and countless other displays of support are evident. Each of these are greatly appreciated and welcomed. They are important to our students and staff.But there is another display of community support -the homecoming parade and celebration on the square.
It is incredible to see the turnout along the streets from the Newton High School to the downtown square.The streets are lined with community members.The cheering for our different groups marching or riding in the parade is constant throughout the entire parade. It is obvious that our community is behind us 100%.While we at the Newton Community School District love homecoming week, it is important to note that our parade and celebration on Thursday night is just as much for our community. We will continue this tradition in order to show our entire school community that we love this town. I want to congratulate our 2022 Homecoming King and Queen -Brody Bauer and Kaitlyn Bloom.They are great representatives of our school.
I also want to congratulate the rest of the Homecoming Court.Being selected by their peers for this opportunity is quite an honor. And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank everyone for being a part of our Newton Community School District, where honesty, caring, positivity, fun, and support are part of our lives each and every day
Yours truly,
Tom Messinger, Superintendent
What does Red Pride mean to you? What does it mean to staff in the District? Check out what Red Pride really means to those who work in our District.
Homecoming is full of fun, Newton Pride, and traditions. Newton Community School District appreciates the support from the community and alumni as we all come together to celebrate Newton and its rich history!
Lois Holmes is compassionate and is a wonderful member of the Aurora Heights staff. She is able to really get on the level of each student and meet their needs. Learn more about Lois in this week's Teacher Feature!
September 22nd from 5:30pm-8:00pm
more info here!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Reminder for Grades 9th - 12th:
Conferences will be held at
Newton High School on
Thursday, September 22, 2022
from 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The Newton Community School District has received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021. Congratulations to Tim Bloom, Debbie Swank, and Lorraine Bricker (retired) in the Business Office on all the work that went into making it possible for us to achieve this prestigious award!
Drive-in theater
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Square miles of city
Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”