Newton By The Numbers
Displays of public art & sculpture
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Drive-in theater
Written by: Newton School District | October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
The first quarter of our school year is almost over! It has been a busy and productive year to this point. Many of our students have been busy with school activities. The teachers have been assessing their students’ learning. And parents worked very hard to get their children back into the routine of school. Great job getting things off and running.
With the final day of our first quarter being Thursday, October 21, 2021, there are a few things to take note of as we move forward: (1) There is no school on Friday, October 22, 2021, for students and staff; (2) There is no school on Monday, October 25, 2021, for students, due to Teacher Professional Development. These and other important dates can be found on the 2021 – 2022 School Calendar located on our website ( through the link at the top of our homepage.
The end of the first quarter also means the season is changing. Please make sure to encourage your children to dress accordingly. Many times, our young people like to continue wearing the clothing they have become accustomed to over the summer and early days of fall when it is much warmer. As the colder temperatures settle in, we want to be sure our students are prepared for the fall weather.
Again, I want to thank everyone for a successful start to our 2021-2022 school year. Everyone in our Cardinal family has worked hard to kick things off. Keep it up! And remember, if your child is sick, please keep them home. When everyone works together, we will all benefit.
Go Cards!
Thomas Messinger
Berg Middle School has worked hard to make a huge impact on the CTE Program and share everyday skills with students that they can use for their entire lives!
Fire Safety and the education behind it, is important for all students to know. Check out how Woodrow Wilson provided a great learning experience with the Newton Fire Department.
Jodi Morgan-Peters loves science and her love of teaching comes through in her classroom!
October 18th: NO Preschool and 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for ALL Campuses/Students
October 19th & 21st: Kindergarten-8th Grade Conference Dates
October 19th: Board Policy Committee Meeting (5:00pm-6:30pm)
October 19th: 1.5 Early Dismissal for ALL Campuses
October 21st: 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for ALL Campuses
October 22nd and 25th: NO Preschool and NO School for ALL Campuses/Students
October 25th: Board Work Session (5:30 PM-6:30 PM), School Board Meeting (6:30 PM - 9:00 PM) EJH Beard Administration Center - Room 105A/via ZOOM
November 22nd-24th: Preschool Conferences
See the latest updates on the Middle School and High School Activities and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates on activities and results!
Displays of public art & sculpture
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Drive-in theater
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