March 25th, 2022
Wow! What a year we have experienced right here in the Newton Community School District. There are so many great things that have happened and many more to come before we finish up the 2021-2022 school year. We are very proud of our Cardinal Family and it is not too late for you to witness some of the many talents we are blessed with in our schools.
To start with, I want to congratulate Treycen Garton, Newton High School senior for being named a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. There are approximately 1.5 million entrants who start the process by taking the PSAT test. That number gets narrowed down to only 15,000 students being named a finalist. To reach that level there has to be a very high qualifying score on the PSAT and SAT tests, and applicants go through a stringent process to prove their status as an extreme high flier in their overall academic record. This process also requires full endorsement and recommendation of the high school principal. Congratulations to Treycen Garton - your performance and accomplishments are truly an inspiration to all of our young Cardinals!
There are many great opportunities to see our Cardinal family members in action before the end of the school year as well. Our calendar shows concerts, plays, Kindergarten Round Up, Prom, The Big Game!, senior awards, graduation and many other events all still yet to come. Check out the school calendars (Academic) (Activities/Athletics) on our website for all of the important dates. Don’t miss out!
As our school year starts to enter its final stages, please make sure you continue to talk with your students about school. Education is very important and talking with our young people helps emphasize that importance by giving them a chance to brag about their experiences and share their challenges. By focusing on our kids and pushing for their success we will continue to help Newton grow!
Yours truly,
Tom Messinger, Superintendent
Newton Community School District
Technology in the Classroom and Funding
Technology in the classroom is a great way to expand learning opportunities, and enhance a child's education in the classroom.
Why Our Teachers Love Teaching In Newton
Our team is full of Red Pride and love for the community and the school District!
Teacher Feature
Cooper Heath is a teacher greatly appreciated by many students, and whom make science fun and engaging for the middle school students at Berg.

Student Registration and Re-Enrollment
Student Registration & Re-Enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year has begun!
The Newton Community School District is proud to offer families top-notch and best educational choices in Iowa. We serve approximately 3,000 students (PreK – 12th Grades) enrolled in small class sizes at our seven schools – four elementary, Berg Middle School, Newton High School, and WEST Academy.
Check out our School Boundaries Map to find your child’s elementary school!
If your child will be 4 years old on or before September 15, 2022 please complete and return a Preschool application (with required documents) to the Central Registrar’s Office (EJH Beard Administration Center, 1302 First Avenue West – Newton, Iowa).
Click here to learn more about the Preschool Registration process! Click here for a Preschool application!
If your child will be 5 years old by September 15, 2022, your child can be registered for Kindergarten. Please complete and return a Kindergarten application packet (with required documents) to the Central Registrar’s Office (EJH Beard Administration Center, 1302 First Avenue West – Newton, Iowa).
Click here to learn more about the Kindergarten Registration process! Click here for a Kindergarten application!
For information on re-enrolling a current student through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, please click here! Re-enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year opens Mon, March 7, 2022.
Families new to the Newton Community School District or returning after ending their enrollment, or after being enrolled in another district, will need to contact the Central Registrar during business hours (Mon-Fri) (7:30 AM – 4:30 PM) to begin the registration process.
If you have any questions about student registration or re-enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year, please contact Melinda Robertson (District Office, Central Registrar) at 641.792.5809 or

Upcoming Dates in the District
March 28th: NO PRESCHOOL
March 28th: 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for Students - ALL CAMPUSES
March 31st: Second Grade Music Concert at 6pm (Thomas Jefferson & Woodrow Wilson) at Newton High School Auditorium
March 31st: Third Grade Music Concert at 7pm (Thomas Jefferson & Woodrow Wilson) at Newton High School Auditorium
April 2nd & 3rd: Murder at the Pie Auction Presented by Newton Dinner Theatre
Find out more here
April 4th: 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for Students - ALL CAMPUSES
April 7th & 8th: Kindergarten Round Up & No School For Kindergarteners
Find out more here
April 11th: NO PRESCHOOL
April 11th: 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for Students - ALL CAMPUSES
April 11th: School Board Meeting at 6:30 PM (EJH Beard Administration Center - Room 105A / via ZOOM)
April 14th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Berge Middle School) from 3:30PM-7:30PM
April 15th: NO SCHOOL FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF (Good Friday Holiday)

See the latest updates on Middle School and High School Activities and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates on activities and results!

School Board Highlights
Check out the School Board Meeting Highlights from the meeting on March 21st, 2022 here!