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K-12 Enrollment (Continuing Families)

Thanks for Being a Part of the Cardinal Family

Online registration for the 2018-19 school year NCSD will be July 9th - July 27th, 2018.

To help ensure that schools and students are well prepared for the first day of school, parents are expected to register their child or children online.

The online registration process will allow parents to submit information and upload relevant documents directly to the district, including immunization records, transcripts and address verification.

The move will also streamline the district’s records keeping process.

Current NCSD families with parent portal accounts will receive a personalized link through Infinite Campus.  Follow the Infinite Campus Parent Portal link to verify information and upload relevant documents.
 If you already have children who attend NCSD but do not have a parent portal account set up through Infinite Campus, please email  
If you do not have internet access at home, the Newton Public Library will have directions posted.  You may also contact EJH Administration Center to determine hours of availability.  641-792-5809

Crystal Rausch

Crystal Rausch
- Technology Manager



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