We are phasing out the Infinite Campus messaging system & ParentSquare will officially take its place in 24/25, though you may receive some messages these last few weeks as school. ParentSquare is an interactive platform & offers some cool features, such as:
- 2 way communication with staff, students & parents
- Translation - I speak Japanese, you speak Mandarin - PS will automatically translate for us
- User preferred notifications (get all you messages at 6PM(ish), rather than sporadically when they are are sent - except emergencies, those are sent in real time, no matter what)
- A social media type platform for classrooms or teams that only your class/team can see
- You can 'sign' permission slips/forms through PS
- Volunteer
- View calendars
- View classroom requests
You will receive messages whether you activate your account or not. Activating your account allows for 2 way communication & a more interactive experience. NCSD is excited about ParentSquare, we appreciate your patience as we work out the kinks!
Use this link to sign up for your account.
Please email me, sorensonk@newton.k12.ia.us, with any questions.